I'll write your life, edit your story, report your pain, cure your future, coordinate your need, and cheer your games.
That's what I wrote about myself on Twitter.
Maybe you can't grasp what it means at once, so I'm here to explain.
I'll write your life means that I'm a writer. By writing, I have full control of my characters. I can make them do anything I want. I twist their life line into a story. No one can do anything about it. Yeah, they can criticize me or anything but whether I'll change the story or not, it all depends on me. And to quote a friend of mine, I don't give a fuck if anyone mocks me because of my obsession in writing.
Edit your story means that I'm an editor. Yeah, I do some editing for my campus newspaper. I know, the title is kinda lame but I can't find a better word to describe my job, so get over it.
Report your pain summarizes my other job as a reporter. I write for Media Aesculapius, the first health newspaper in Indonesia. You can say that it's just a small newspaper produced by medical college students, but I really love being a part of it. It gives me the chance to explore my gift in writing, and to think that people on rural areas read my writings.... I chose the word "pain" because in MA, I try to promote how bad is the condition of Indonesian people's health.
Cure your future represents my life as a medical student. That means, I'm going to be a doctor, one day in the future. I will have to cure people, but it's still on the future, so....yeah, you get it right?
Coordinate your need represents the other positions I have, like the Head of Media and Communication Department in FSI (Forum Studi Islam, or Forum of Islamic Study in English) and coordinator of PDJ (Pelatihan Dasar Jurnalistik, Training in Basic Journalism in English).
The last but not least, cheer your games. It reflects my feelings about Arsenal, how I will always love them and cheer on their games although I can't watch them all the time. Well, especially for a certain Welshman with number 16 on his back *wink wink*.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011
Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011
Forum Bahasa dan Sastra Media Aesculapius 2011
Anak supir angkot tersebut tentu tak menyangka, bertahun
sejak masa kecilnya yang sederhana di Malang, ia berkarir sebagai Direktur Internal Client Management di Nielsen Consumer Research, New York. Ia mungkin
lebih tidak menyangka, novel tentang kisah hidupnya tersebut kini bertengger di
rak best-sellers toko buku seluruh Indonesia.
Dialah Iwan Setyawan,
penulis “9 Summers 10 Autumns”, yang tak hanya sukses menggapai impiannya,
tetapi juga menginspirasi begitu banyak orang dengan satu jalan sederhana: tulisan.
Jangan biarkan jejak perjalanan hidupmu terhapus tanpa ada
yang tahu. Temukan bagaimana merajut kisah hidup dalam kata, menguntai
benang-benang pengalaman menjadi karya sastra yang fenomenal. Setiap orang bisa
menjadi inspirasi, begitu pun kamu!
Media Aesculapius
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia
dengan bangga mempersembahkan:
Seminar, Workshop, dan Bedah Buku
“Merajut Kisah Hidup dalam Kata”
22 Oktober 2011,
07.30-15.00 @ Auditorium Sarwono Gedung A RSCM, Jakarta
- “Menulis Kisah Hidup Menjadi Lembaran Sastra” oleh Iwan Setyawan, penulis novel best-seller “9 Summers 10 Autumns: Dari Kota Apel ke The Big Apple”
- “Kiat Menghidupkan dan Memberi Jiwa ke Karya Sastra” oleh Helvy Tiana Rosa, pendiri Forum Lingkar Pena dan penulis lebih dari 40 judul novel
- Bedah buku “Selimut Debu”, novel best-seller tentang perjalanan di Afghanistan, dengan penulisnya Agustinus Wibowo
- Pengumuman pemenang Lomba Menulis Cerpen, Puisi, dan Fotografi Forum Bahasa dan Sastra 2011
+ Sertifikat, makan siang, seminar kit, dan
buku kumpulan karya peserta lomba FBS 2011!
Early bird : Rp30,000,00
On the spot : Rp40.000,00
Daftar sekarang!
Ikuti 3 langkah mudah berikut:
1. Kirimkan biaya pendaftaran ke Bank BCA no. rek. 4741060684
a.n. Davrina Rianda atau Bank Mandiri no. rek. 1240005478517 a.n. Oviliani
2. Kirimkan nama, nomor kontak, email, jumlah kursi yang
dipesan, dan scan bukti transfer ke fbsma2011@gmail.com
3. Hubungi Ovi (085710000842) atau Nessa (085716278718)
untuk memastikan namamu sudah terdaftar.
Daftar langsung ke sekretariat Media Aesculapius di kampus
FKUI, Jalan Salemba Raya No. 6 (samping lapangan basket).
Pendaftaran early bird
dibuka hingga 18 Oktober 2011.
Kontak kami:
Website : http://fbs2011.co.cc
Facebook : Forum Bahasa dan Sastra 2011
Twitter :
CP :
Ovi (085710000842), Nessa (085716278718)
Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011
(Fanfic) Au Clair de la Lune
This is one of two Yoann fics I've ever written. Warning: character death ensued.
Author: Mirano Ottawa
Title: Au Clair de la Lune (In the Light of the Moon)
Category: Romance, Angst
Characters: Yoann Gourcuff and an unnamed girl
Length: long hitter
Summary: A man with his dream to reach the moonlight.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yoann Gourcuff. It’s just a fiction, not a
Author’s Notes: My first Yoann Gourcuff fic ever
“I want to
reach the moonlight.”
The answer was uttered clearly. Suddenly the sound
of muffled laughters interrupted the stillness of the class, while the teacher
put on the sympathetic smile before shushing the children.
“Do you mean, you want to go to the moon?” the
teacher confirmed.
“No,” he shook his brown-haired head in disgust. “I
said, I want to reach the moonlight.”
The laughter got louder, even I chuckled a bit
behind my palms. But his face remained firm, undisturbed, as if his dream wasn’t
something so weird.
But I couldn’t help to be curious. Why did he want
to reach the moonlight? It even
wasn’t something solid! Although I was still at the third grade of elementary
school at the time, I knew that moon doesn’t shine of its own, but reflects the
sunlight. So, to satisfy my own curiosity, I approached him who was playing
alone with the ball on the corner of the playground.
“Hi,” I greeted him.
My voice seemed to surprise him, because he dropped
the ball at once. “Oh!”
“I’m sorry!” I gasped.
“Oh, no, it’s nothing,” he chuckled. “You just
surprise me.”
I smiled back, watching as he started playing again
with the ball. He was talented at it. I knew that he would be a great
footballer later when he was older. But why his dream was so far from football?
“By the way, why are you here?” he asked me.
I blushed, because I had just been thinking about
him. “Nothing,” I said quickly. “I just want to know....why do you want to
reach the moonlight?”
He looked at me, without losing any of his touches
on the ball. “Why do you ask? Is that so important?”
I turned redder. “No, but....it sounds a little
insane, you know.”
He smiled dreamily. “Well, you have seen the
moonlight, right? It shines on the night. In your darkest hours, in your worst
dreams, you know that it’s there, watching you while you’re sleeping, even the
new moon that comes in such a way that you can’t see it. And you’ll feel safe
again, knowing that there will be no harm upon you.”
I stared at him with my mouth wide-opened, astonished
with his choice of words. Of course, I had seen the moonlight so many times,
but I never thought about it that way.
I quickly shushed the thoughts off my mind. It
wasn’t the right time to speak poetically. And I felt it’s my duty to make him
see the truth about moonlight. The scientific truth. “I know it’s beautiful,
Yoann, but the moon doesn’t shine on its own. It reflects the sunlight. Don’t you
want to reach something shining on its own? Or you just want to be someone’s
lame reflection? Besides, the sunlight gives us life and anything.”
“No,” he answered, the same dreamy smile still on
his face. “I know about that. But don’t you know why humans can’t reach the
sun? Because the sunlight is too hot. It will burn you. You won’t find the same
problem with moonlight.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it again
because I had nothing to say. Partly because his opinion was too good to be
broken, the other part because I didn’t want to interrupt his dream about
moonlight anymore, and the last part....maybe just because I looked at his
amazing green eyes, knowing that he was serious.
And it’s the first time I realized, how much I
admired him.
02. Crescent Moon
I was raged in fury. This was my birthday and he was
supposed to come and celebrate it with me. But I had no idea where he was. Even
when I tried to call him, he didn’t answer.
I looked outside the window. It was crescent moon at
the time, and the moon sent its soft silvery light inside my room. Definitely
something he would really like if he was here. I smiled a little while
remembering his addiction to moonlight. But the smile quickly faltered because
he’s not here now. He must be somewhere, admiring the moon so obsessively that
he forgot to celebrate the birthday of his own girlfriend!
I decided that he wouldn’t come. While the thoughts
of the best ways to kill him whirling on my mind, I slammed myself to the bed
and pulled the blanket around my body. But by the time I were about to close my
eyes, I heard the familiar knock on my balcony door.
“Excuse me, is there anyone ordering birthday cake
I practically jumped off the bed, my brown eyes
immediately met his green ones. There he was, with a forgiving smile across his
face, and he held a box on his hands, which I was sure there was a birthday
cake inside it.
I opened the balcony door and glared at him, unsure
what to do first – slapping him in the face, hugging him, or thanking him for
the birthday cake? He solved the problem for me by putting the cake on a small
table then hugged me tightly.
“Sorry, I’m late,” he murmured, lips pressing on my
“Terribly late,” I grumbled.
“It’s the cake,” he defended himself. “I don’t know
that it needed so much time to bake a cake and when it came out it didn’t turn
out well so I had to bake again....”
I cut his words. “Wait. You mean....you bake the
cake yourself?”
He rubbed his hair. “Sort of. I suck at baking but I
want to make it special for you.”
I blushed. “Thanks, Yoann.”
He smiled. “Come on, don’t you want to see it?”
I opened the box and found a crescent-shaped
chocolate cake, with all the surface covered with silver icing. He had drawn a
smiling face on the cake with a cherry as the eye and pieces of chocolates as
the smiling mouth. I couldn’t say anything when I saw it, I could only stare at
it for a while before returning my attention at Yoann.
“It’s a crescent moon,” he explained, which I found
I rolled my eyes. “I know, Yoann. I’m not stupid. We
have known each other for years.” Then, seeing the pained look on his eyes, I
softened my voice. “But it’s beautiful. Thanks.”
His green eyes brightened at once. “Really?”
I nodded, chuckling slightly. “Only, the moon
doesn’t smile.”
“Oh, but it smiles,” he protested. “The moon always
smiles. If it’s full, it smiles widely and triumphantly because it could show
all his face to the world. When it’s crescent, it cannot smile so widely
because most of its face is hidden. But it doesn’t want to disappoint you, so
it smiles – a warm and motherly smile – and sings lullabies for you until you
fall asleep.”
I shook my head. Of course, it was just one of his
wild imaginations about moonlight. I decided to stop it by blowing out the
candle and cut the cake in half.
“What’s your wish?” he asked.
I winked playfully. “If I tell you, the wishes
wouldn’t come true.”
He laughed. “You don’t believe in my imaginations
about moonlight, but you do believe that the wishes you say before blowing out
the candles will come true?”
I raised my eyebrows. “You don’t believe in wishes?”
That was something new.
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Every year, I wish that
my dream would come true but it never happen.”
“But your dream has come true! You are a footballer
now, you play for Rennes, I’m sure you will reach your glory soon if you keep playing
“No,” he shook his head. “I mean, my dream to reach
the moonlight.”
I sighed. Of course, he had to say that.
“I believe, the moonlight is not only a lame
reflection of sunlight,” he continued, certainly knowing what’s on my mind
right now. “You can say it’s not something solid, but for me....it keeps a
secret. A mystery that anyone has never solved. Maybe....there’s a dreamland
there. I haven’t known it yet. But I believe, I can find the way to reach the
moonlight....if I walk on the right path.”
I stared at his eyes, and he stared back at mine.
His eyes were shining softly, and I could see some silver sparkles inside them
– like the moonlight. I smiled and kissed him on the lips, knowing that my
efforts to make him see the reality would only end in vain. So, I decided to
keep my thoughts for myself.
But there was still one thing I wanted to know.
“What would happen when you reach the moonlight?
Will you stay there and forget all about me?” I asked, grabbing his hands
tigtly, not wanting to let him go.
He chuckled. “Of course not, sweetheart,” he said,
planting a kiss on my forehead. “We will get there together. And if you can’t,
I’ll keep a place for you there until you’re able to join me.”
“I believe in you, Yoann,” I replied, leaning my
head against his warm body.
One hour later, I had lied again on my bed,
preparing myself to sleep. Before shutting my eyes, I took one last glance on
the moon. And I swore that I could see the moon smiled at me, a warm and
motherly smile.
I stared at it for a while before turning off my
light. So, maybe his imaginations about the moon wasn’t all wrong. But of
course, reaching the moonlight was still an impossible dream....
Half Moon
“What’s the point of this?” I asked, when he and I
were sitting around the table on the balcony of a restaurant. “It’s supposed to
be a candlelight dinner, but where’s the candles?”
He chuckled. “I prefer moonlight dinner.”
Typically him. I rolled my eyes then looked at the
night sky. And there was the moon, half moon to be exact. “Isn’t it better to
have a moonlight dinner when it’s
full moon?”
He shrugged. “Who knows? Half moon is beautiful
I knew there was something behind it, but I decided
not to complain. We ate our dinner while talking about our daily life. We had
been so busy with our own jobs recently that we didn’t have much time to meet
each other. So, having dinner together like this was a relief.
By the time we had finished our meals and I was
telling Yoann about my new partner at work, suddenly I realized that he paid no
more attention at me. He was staring at the moon.
I gritted my teeth. Okay, this was ridiculous!
What’s the point of asking me to have moonlight
dinner if he always ended up admiring the moonlight? I coughed loudly to catch
his attention.
“It seems like the moon is more beautiful than I am,
Yoann?” I asked sarcastically.
He burst out laughing. “Don’t be jealous,” he said.
“I’m just looking at the moon....and imagining what will happen when I reach
the moonlight.”
I sighed. “Why are you so serious? Let me tell you,
it’s just a silly dream, for God’s sake!”
“Because I want to make sure that you’re there with
I looked at him in confusion. “What?”
He pulled out a small black box from his pocket.
When he opened it, I saw a diamond ring inside. Surrounded by the darkness, the
diamond glittered like a living thing.
I stared at it with my mouth wide-opened.
“Will you marry me?” he asked clearly, his eyes
shining with hope.
I swallowed. Of course, I loved him and I always
knew that he’s the one, but I hadn’t known how to feel when he finally proposed
me. Now I knew. Smiling at him between my happy tears, I forced this words out
from my trembling lips, “Yes, Yoann. Yes, I will.”
He smiled back in delight, then he slipped the ring
on my finger. I looked at the ring, admiring the beauty of it. But of course,
it was more beautiful because of its meaning for me.
“Why do you propose me on the half moon like this?”
I asked in a joking tone.
“Because....I think it’s the best to represent this
moment,” he said with blush staining his cheeks. “I mean....when I find you,
it’s like I find the other half of myself who was hidden....like this half
I couldn’t help myself to blush, too. “Thanks....”
He kissed me passionately on my lips. “I love you,
“And I love you too,” I replied, kissing him back.
I looked outside the window. It was full moon at the
time, and the moon smiled at me with its wide and triumphant smile. Even I
didn’t need Yoann to tell me that, as I could see it by myself.
Mostly, because he wasn’t there anymore.
He had reached the moonlight.
Blinking back my tears, I looked at the empty chair
beside me. He used to sit there, and then we would admire the moon together.
After our marriage, I had learned to let him with his imagination, and even
sharing it with me. Of course, I always thought that it was silly, but now I
felt like I would give anything in the world to be with him anymore, listening
to his silly dreams. I closed my eyes, trying not to feel the ache deep in my
The voice of Sofie, my five-years-old daughter,
brought me back to reality. I turned around and saw her in her white nightgown,
holding her teddy bear.
“Sweetie, why are you here? Why don’t you sleep?” I
asked, kneeling in front of her.
Her green eyes – which were definitely the same with
her father’s – were full of tears. “I miss Daddy.”
“Oh,” I sighed, then I pulled her in my embrace. “I
miss him too.”
She looked at me right on my eyes, and for a second,
I felt that it was her father staring at me. “Mommy, where’s Daddy now?”
“Come here.” I brought her closer to the window,
then I pointed to the moon. “Daddy’s there.”
She looked at me in confusion. “On the moon?”
“Yes, sweetie,” I whispered. “He has reached the
“Will I meet him again?”
“Of course,” I smiled. “He will prepare the place
for us there. Some time later, we’ll fly there and we’ll live together again
with Daddy. I promise.”
Sofie smiled back sleepily. “I love you, Mommy.”
I brought her back to her bedroom and watched her
sleeping for a while. Then I stood up and looked at the moon again.
It remained
smiling widely and triumphantly, but I realized, there was something more.
sang a lullaby for me. I could hear it now.
I immediately felt relaxed, knowing
that Yoann was really there, ready to protect me from any harm coming to my
way. And I knew, someday we would be together again, in the light of the moon.
I wrapped my blanket around my body and fell asleep.
-The End-
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011
obrolan dalam taksi mengenai calon suami idaman (dan sedikit pengakuan mengenai cowok yang saya suka)
Okay, I know the title of this post is kinda weird, tapi ini benar-benar obrolan saya dan teman-teman saya saat kami sedang berada dalam taksi, dalam perjalanan menuju Plaza Indonesia hari Jumat, 30 September lalu buat hedon pasca ujian.
Saat itu, sedang masanya mahasiswa baru (maba) menjalani masa bimbingan (mabim), di mana salah satu tugasnya adalah mewawancarai senior. Dan saya kebetulan baru diwawancara hari sebelumnya, sehingga saya sedikit bercerita mengenai hal-hal yang mereka tanyakan pada saya.
"Masa gue ditanyain siapa senior favorit gue," saya bercerita sambil sedikit tertawa. "Dan maba bilang, kebanyakan senior cewek jawabnya Kak Fakhri."
Catatan: Kak Fakhri itu senior saya, angkatan 2007, yang pernah jadi ketua senat. Dan memang beliau itu termasuk laki-laki idola di kampus saya, karena memang tampangnya yang....ehm, di atas rata-rata, dan macam-macam lagi.
Teman-teman saya tertawa dan mengatakan hal itu wajar. Lalu obrolan kami pun berkembang menjadi senior favorit kami. Saya bilang bahwa saya suka Kak Sonia (pemimpin umum MA) dan Kak Kazai (redaktur liputan MA dan mahasiswa berprestasi FKUI). Ovi bilang dia lebih mengidolakan Kak Olga (mantan pemimpin redaksi MA). Sedangkan Nessa bilang dia suka Kak Adi, mantan ketua senat sebelum Kak Fakhri. Dan ketika mengatakan itu, Nessa menambahkan sesuatu yang membuat saya sedikit tergelitik, "Kak Adi itu tipe cowok yang nggak ada cewek yang nggak mau jadi istrinya!"
Agak ribet, I know, tapi intinya gitu deh, Kak Adi itu calon suami idaman. Ucapan Nessa itu pun mengarahkan kami pada topik lain lagi, yaitu tentang cowok mana di angkatan kami yang cocok jadi suami idaman.
"Kalo di angkatan kita, kebanyakan cewek pasti maunya Dimas jadi suami mereka," kata Nessa. "Waktu gue ngobrol sama Meller dan Nae di kost-an aja, mereka bilang gue golongan minoritas karena gue bilang nggak mau sama Dimas...."
"Haha, gue tau sih kalo itu," saya tertawa. "Tapi gue nggak terlalu kenal Dimas...."
Dimas itu teman seangkatan saya, dan memang saya tidak terlalu kenal dengannya. Maksudnya, saya tahu dia, dan dia ketua Liga Medika tahun depan, tapi kami tidak terlalu dekat satu sama lain. Mungkin itu yang menyebabkan saya tidak terlalu memperhatikannya.
"**** oke sih," kata Ovi (maaf, nama terpaksa disamarkan demi kesejahteraan identitas. Biarkan saya dan penghuni taksi itu saja yang tahu). "Tapi aku nggak mau jadi istrinya."
"Aku mau," saya menyahut seketika.
Teman-teman langsung menatap saya. "Ya ampun, Ta, ternyata diem-diem...."
Saya nyengir aja. Tapi harus saya akui, saya memang ada rasa dengan oknum **** itu. Saya juga tidak terlalu dekat dengannya secara personal, tapi saya mengikuti satu badan yang sama dengannya dan kami juga pernah bersama dalam satu kepanitiaan (tidak dalam sie yang sama, tapi kami sama-sama PJ). Dia memang punya tampang yang....yaah, cukup di atas rata-rata, rajin (dia tipe yang bawa-bawa tentir ke mana-mana), aktif dalam kegiatan kampus (dia saat ini menjabat ketua panitia suatu acara besar), dan yang saya suka....dia tipe yang rela berkorban demi orang lain.
Ah, tak tahulah. Saat ini saya sendiri sedang bingung dengan perasaan saya. Saya juga masih ada rasa pada mantan saya yang saat ini nun jauh di sana, dan saya juga tertarik pada satu cowok angkatan saya yang entah mengapa, sering sekali membuat saya surprised.
Yah, mungkin memang belum saatnya saya menemukan yang baik bagi saya.
Saya pun berbalik dan kembali mengobrol dengan teman-teman saya.
Saat itu, sedang masanya mahasiswa baru (maba) menjalani masa bimbingan (mabim), di mana salah satu tugasnya adalah mewawancarai senior. Dan saya kebetulan baru diwawancara hari sebelumnya, sehingga saya sedikit bercerita mengenai hal-hal yang mereka tanyakan pada saya.
"Masa gue ditanyain siapa senior favorit gue," saya bercerita sambil sedikit tertawa. "Dan maba bilang, kebanyakan senior cewek jawabnya Kak Fakhri."
Catatan: Kak Fakhri itu senior saya, angkatan 2007, yang pernah jadi ketua senat. Dan memang beliau itu termasuk laki-laki idola di kampus saya, karena memang tampangnya yang....ehm, di atas rata-rata, dan macam-macam lagi.
Teman-teman saya tertawa dan mengatakan hal itu wajar. Lalu obrolan kami pun berkembang menjadi senior favorit kami. Saya bilang bahwa saya suka Kak Sonia (pemimpin umum MA) dan Kak Kazai (redaktur liputan MA dan mahasiswa berprestasi FKUI). Ovi bilang dia lebih mengidolakan Kak Olga (mantan pemimpin redaksi MA). Sedangkan Nessa bilang dia suka Kak Adi, mantan ketua senat sebelum Kak Fakhri. Dan ketika mengatakan itu, Nessa menambahkan sesuatu yang membuat saya sedikit tergelitik, "Kak Adi itu tipe cowok yang nggak ada cewek yang nggak mau jadi istrinya!"
Agak ribet, I know, tapi intinya gitu deh, Kak Adi itu calon suami idaman. Ucapan Nessa itu pun mengarahkan kami pada topik lain lagi, yaitu tentang cowok mana di angkatan kami yang cocok jadi suami idaman.
"Kalo di angkatan kita, kebanyakan cewek pasti maunya Dimas jadi suami mereka," kata Nessa. "Waktu gue ngobrol sama Meller dan Nae di kost-an aja, mereka bilang gue golongan minoritas karena gue bilang nggak mau sama Dimas...."
"Haha, gue tau sih kalo itu," saya tertawa. "Tapi gue nggak terlalu kenal Dimas...."
Dimas itu teman seangkatan saya, dan memang saya tidak terlalu kenal dengannya. Maksudnya, saya tahu dia, dan dia ketua Liga Medika tahun depan, tapi kami tidak terlalu dekat satu sama lain. Mungkin itu yang menyebabkan saya tidak terlalu memperhatikannya.
"**** oke sih," kata Ovi (maaf, nama terpaksa disamarkan demi kesejahteraan identitas. Biarkan saya dan penghuni taksi itu saja yang tahu). "Tapi aku nggak mau jadi istrinya."
"Aku mau," saya menyahut seketika.
Teman-teman langsung menatap saya. "Ya ampun, Ta, ternyata diem-diem...."
Saya nyengir aja. Tapi harus saya akui, saya memang ada rasa dengan oknum **** itu. Saya juga tidak terlalu dekat dengannya secara personal, tapi saya mengikuti satu badan yang sama dengannya dan kami juga pernah bersama dalam satu kepanitiaan (tidak dalam sie yang sama, tapi kami sama-sama PJ). Dia memang punya tampang yang....yaah, cukup di atas rata-rata, rajin (dia tipe yang bawa-bawa tentir ke mana-mana), aktif dalam kegiatan kampus (dia saat ini menjabat ketua panitia suatu acara besar), dan yang saya suka....dia tipe yang rela berkorban demi orang lain.
Ah, tak tahulah. Saat ini saya sendiri sedang bingung dengan perasaan saya. Saya juga masih ada rasa pada mantan saya yang saat ini nun jauh di sana, dan saya juga tertarik pada satu cowok angkatan saya yang entah mengapa, sering sekali membuat saya surprised.
Yah, mungkin memang belum saatnya saya menemukan yang baik bagi saya.
Saya pun berbalik dan kembali mengobrol dengan teman-teman saya.
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